Introduction to the course
Data Science Introduction
Technology For All
Welcome to Technology For All
Guest Lecture
Evolution of NLP
Day1 - PPT
Evolution of NLP - Day 2
Module - 1: Python Programming
Introduction to Python (22nd Oct)
Python Introduction
Data Structures (25th Oct)
Python Notes
Data Structures II (26th Oct)
Operators (27th Oct)
Loops (28th Oct)
Control Statements (29th Oct)
Functions (1st Nov)
Functions II (2nd Nov)
Class and Object(8th Nov)
Mentoring Session(9th Nov)
OOPs (10th Nov)
Mentoring Session (15th Nov)
Mentoring Session (16th Nov)
Mentoring Session (17th Nov)
OOPs II (25th Nov)
Misc Concepts in Python (26th Nov)
Files of Python
Module-1: Assignments
Simple Calculator
Intro to Python and Data Types Assignment
Data Types II and Decision Control Assingment
Loops Assignment
Functions Assignment
Common Modules in Python
Classes and Modules
Numpy Assignment
Pandas Assignment
Module - 2 : Flask
Introduction to Flask
HTML Files with Flask
Jinja Templating
Template Inheritance
SQL Alchemy - ORM
Mentoring Session - 14th Nov
Flask Revision session-1(15th Dec)
Flask Revision Session II
Flask Revision Session III
Flask Files
SQL and Tableau
SQL Commands
Handling Null Values and Sub Queries
Introduction to Tableau
Tableau Day II
Tableau III
Tableau IV
SQL Revision Session
Internship Tasks
Flask Assignment
Web Scraping Project
Machine Learning Project (Option 1)
Machine Learning (Option 2)
Deep Learning Project
Module - 3: Data Analysis
Introduction to Data Analysis I
Intro to Data Analysis II
Mentoring Session
Array Object and Numerical Operations
Introduction to Pandas
Pandas II
Exploratory Data Analysis
Descriptive Statistics
Web Scraping
Web Scraping II
Module - 3: Assignments
Numpy Assignment
Pandas Assignmment
Visualization Assignment
Visualization Assignment
Module - 4: Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning
Overview of Machine Learning
ML Notes
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Linear Regression Hands on
Evaluation Metrics
Feature Engineering Notes
Model Performance Measures
Linear Regression - Hands on
Wine Dataset -live project
Model Performance Measures
Wine Quality Dataset
K-Nearest Neighbours
Naive Bayes
Decision Trees
Ensemble Techniques
Decision Trees
KNN Files
Unsupervised Learning
Module 5: Deep Learning
Introduction to Neural Networks
Neural Networks with Fashion MNIST
Image Processing
CNN - Convolution Neural Networks
Bag of Words
Recommender System
RNN Implementation
CNN Material
RNN Material
ANN Material
Revision Sessions
Python Revision Session
Module 4: Assignments
Linear Regression Assignment
Logistic Regression Assignment
KNN Assignment
Decision Tree Assignment
Placement Activities
Resume Building and Interview Preparation Session
Deep Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning II
Output Function, Loss Functions and Deep Networks
MNIST Dataset
Introduction to CNN
CNN on MNIST and Batch Normalisation
Batch Normalization II
Visualizing CNN
Object Detection
Introduction to NLP
Word2Vec, Glove and Intro to RNN
Recurrent Neural Networks
Encoder Decoder
Introduction to CNN
CNN on MNIST and Batch Normalization
AlexNet, GoogleNet and ResNet
Object Detection
Recurrent Neural Networks
Code Files
Transformers, BERT and GPT
UNet, RCNN and Transfer Learning
Machine Translation Implementation
Image Classification and Transfer Learning