Anaconda Installation File
Course Curriculum
Introduction to DataScience
Technology For All
Welcome to TechnologyForAll
Module 1: Python Programming
Introduction to Python
Datatypes, Operators, and Strings
Day 1 and 2 Python files
Functions and understanding traceback logs
Strings and Lists
Revision Session
Functions - Lambda
Functions - Maps
Map, Reduce and Filter
OOPs Concepts
Classes and Inheritence
Module 1: Assignments
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment- 3
Assignment - 4
Assignment - 5
Module 2: Data Analysis
Introduction to Data Analysis
Intro to Numpy
Numpy II
Introduction to Pandas
Pandas II
Pandas III
Seaborn Visualization
Web Scraping
Web Scraping II
Regular Expressions
Streamlit II
Module 2: Assignments
Numpy Assignment
Pandas Assignment
Visualization Assignment
Visualization Assignment
Internship Tasks
Web Scraping Project
Machine Learning Project 1
Machine Learning Project 2
Deep Learning Project
Module 3: Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning
Intro to Machine Learning II
Evaluation Metrics
Metrics PDF
Math Behind ML
Notes - Math behind ML
KNN Algorithm
Linear Regression
Linear Regression - Hands On
Logistic Regression Algorithm
Linear and Logistic
KNN File
Decision Tree PDF
Decision Trees
Logistic Regression PDF
Naive Bayes
Bagging Techniques
Support Vector Machines
Ada Boost
XG Boost Algorithm
K - Means Clustering
Revision Sessions
Python Session
Python File
Module 3: Assignments
Linear Regression Assignment
Logistic Regression Assignment
KNN Assignment
Decision Tree Assignment
Naive Bayes Assignment
Ensemble Methods Assignment
SVM Assignment
Accuracy Metrics Assignment
Module 4: Deep Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning
Activation Functions
Activation Functions II
Cost Function
Revision Session
Optimization Function and Loss Functions
Back Propagation
Diabetes Classification
Diabetes Contd
Computer Vision
Image Processing
Convolution Neural Networks
CNN Implementation
VGG 16 vs Custom Model
Placement Activities
Resume Building and Interview Preparation Session
Deep Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning
Cost Functions and Activation Functions
Optimization Functions
House Price Prediction Dataset
Introduction to CNN
Iris Classification - Tensorboard
Intro to computer Vision. CNN, Convolution, Max pooling
SQL and Tableau
SQL Commands
Handling Null Values and Sub Queries
Introduction to Tableau
Tableau Day II
Tableau III
Tableau IV
SQL Revision Session